Organic thyme thymol essential oil 5 ml

CHF 14.85

Organic thyme thymol essential oil is: Antibacterial, anti-infectious, powerful antiseptic, immune system stimulant, antimycotic
Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, aperitif, indications.

Organic thyme thymol essential oil is an excellent pulmonary antiseptic and a general stimulant, ideal before winter to avoid colds, bronchitis, coughs, colds, tonsillitis, pain and joint tension.



How to use
Consult a doctor before any therapeutic use or oral treatment. More powerful than thyme thujanol, thyme thymol essential oil should be used with caution and reserved for experienced practitioners.

Oral use:

2 drops of organic thyme thymol essential oil, twice a day with a little honey, syrup or on a lozenge, for angina.

On the skin:

1 drop of organic thyme thymol essential oil + 10 drops of sesame vegetable oil in local massage on muscle tension.

In diffusion:

Thyme thymol essential oil is used in atmospheric diffusion for its antiseptic properties, it will act as a physical and psychological tonic.

Possible synergy
Synergy: Tea tree, niaouli, lavender aspic.

Energy value and synergy
In energy aromatherapy, thyme essential oil is associated with the throat chakra “Vishuddha”. Its color is blue.

Thyme essential oil stimulates Vishuddha, it develops communication and speech.

Synergy: Chamomile, sage


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