How to use
Consult a doctor before any therapeutic use or oral treatment.
Oral route: 2 to 3 drops of organic tarragon essential oil, to be taken after each meal with a little honey, syrup or on a lozenge, helps digestion or against flatulence.
On the skin: Mix 5 drops of organic tarragon essential oil + 5 drops of organic hazelnut vegetable oil, in massage against muscle cramps.
In diffusion: In atmospheric diffusion, organic tarragon essential oil is effective in case of respiratory allergies.
Possible synergy
Aerophagia: Basil, cumin.
Energy value and synergy
In energy aromatherapy, tarragon is associated with the sacred chakra “Svadhisthana”.
Its color is orange.
Synonymous with fullness and joy, tarragon essential oil will harmonize “Svadhisthana”, while spreading its benefits to those around you.
In synergy: Bergamot
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