Organic sweet orange essential oil 10 ml

CHF 8.85

Organic orange essential oil (citrus sinensis) is known for its action on the psyche: Relaxing, antidepressant, calming, sedative.

It is interesting for the body and also during periods of cooling: Antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, purifying, circulatory, digestive.

Indications: Organic orange essential oil soothes anxiety, nervousness, agitation, sleep disorders and depressive states. It fights against digestive disorders and decongests tissues (cellulite, edema). In the kitchen, its gourmet aroma will seduce you and deliciously perfume your culinary preparations.



How to use
Consult a doctor before any therapeutic use or oral treatment. Orange essential oil is photosensitizing. Do not apply to the skin before sun exposure.

Oral use:

2 drops of organic orange essential oil, 3 times a day with a little honey, syrup or on a lozenge, for sleep disorders.

On the skin:

2 drops of organic orange essential oil + 3 drops of organic sesame vegetable oil, massaged into the solar plexus and the hollows of the wrists, for anxiety or a simple moment of relaxation.


Used in atmospheric diffusion, orange essential oil disinfects your rooms, invites you to a moment of serenity by delivering its sweet and reassuring scent.

Possible synergy
Synergy: Lemon, Mint

Energy value and synergy
In energy aromatherapy, orange essential oil is associated with the 2nd chakra “Svadhisthana”, the navel chakra. Its color is orange.

Orange essential oil promotes meditation, fights against stress and anxiety. If it fights against sleep disorders, it facilitates premonitory dreams.

Synergy: Lavender, Ylang ylang


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